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“Common Ground: A meeting of allopathic and osteopathic medical educators regarding the training of medical students and residents in rural places”
April 16-18 – Athens, Ohio
Powerpoint Presentations
Rural Training Tracks in Predoctoral Education
- John R. Bowling DO, FACOFP dit.
- Presentation Slides (pdf)
Medical School Rural Tracks – A Study of all known U.S. Programs as of 2013
- Mark Deutchman MD
- Presentation Slides (pdf)
New GME Design and Development
- Dr. Randall Longenecker MD
- Dave Schmitz MD
- Presentation Slides (pdf)
Growing a Rural GME Collaborative: Advocacy, Collaboration, and Good Fortune
- Tim Size, RWHC Executive Director
- Kara Traxler, RWHC Director Rural GME Development and Support
- Presentation Slides (pdf)
Longitudinal Curriculum for RTTs “Fits like a Hand in a Glove”
- Angela Ball Providence Colville Washington RTT
- Bob Gobbo Providence Hood River Oregon RTT
- Presentation Slides (pdf)
Qualitative Survey Assessment of Faculty and Residents for Changing from Longitudinal Hospital Training to Traditional Family Medicine Service
- Stu Hannah, MD
- Presentation Slides (pdf)
Rural Recruitment Idaho and WWAMI
- Kim Stutzman, MD
- Presentation Slides (pdf)
GME Finance and Choosing a Consultant
- Randall Longenecker MD
- Presentation Slides (pdf)
Rural Track Pediatric Residencies, and Others
- Robert W. Hostoffer, DO, FACOP, FAAP
- Randall Longenecker, MD
- Presentation Slides (pdf)
A Unique Perspective – Training Residents in a Frontier Site
- David Reed, MD
- Presentation Slides (pdf)
Crafting a Relevant Curriculum: Place-Based Education
- Sharon Reynolds, Ed.D
- Presentation Slides (pdf)