March Newsletter

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Though sometimes life moves faster than we can keep up with, the predictability and beauty of the changing of seasons remains a steady reminder of what is important. Download our March newsletter by clicking on the newsletter archive button above, for features on Rural PREP, the governance of rural programs, and on developing programs.

December Newsletter and Year End Opportunities

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Like a tree clinging to the edge of the Grand Canyon, rural programs are tenacious! Download our year end newsletter by clicking on the newsletter archive button above, for features on Rural PREP, the governance of rural programs, and on developing programs. Also announced is an RTT Collaborative Photography Contest! Please consider making a year-end contribution in cash or pictures!
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2016-2017 Annual Report

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The RTT Collaborative has published its Annual Report for the academic year 2016-2017. The intention is to produce such a report in October every year, so you can look forward to another annual report next year! To subscribe to our Google list and receive quarterly newsletters and other notices send an email to Dawn Mollica at
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What is a Rural Program?

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Dr. Longenecker, in a Perspective article in the Journal of Graduate Medical Education in June 2017, suggests a common nomenclature for rural residency programs. The RTT Collaborative Board has adopted this nomenclature as its own operational definition. Additional nomenclature is still in development – rural programs in specialties other than family medicine, rural-centric programs with significant rural experience and a record of graduating physicians to rural practice,
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New Article Published

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A new article has been published by Dr. Longenecker and Dr. Schmitz in Rural and Remote Health: ‘Building a community of practice in rural medical education: growing our own together.’ This article examines the history of rural training track residency programs in the United States over the past 30 years. This account reveals the significance of a community of practice for ongoing support and development of these programs.
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2015-2016 RTTC Annual Report

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The RTT Collaborative has published its first Annual Report for the academic year 2015-2016. The intention is to produce such a report in October every year, so you can look forward to another annual report in only 6 months! To subscribe to our Google list and receive quarterly newsletters and other notices send an email to Dawn Mollica at
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Past Newsletters