NIPDD Rural Fellows Scholarship Announcement 2018-2019
The RTT Collaborative Board and the cooperative of rural programs the Collaborative represents is happy to offer three scholarships for the National Institute for Program Director Development fellowship program in academic year 2018-2019. Any director, site director, or faculty of a currently accredited or developing rural program is encouraged to apply.[1]The NIPDD programs is described further at, including this year’s schedule of the three in-person sessions that are a part of the program.
This RTT Collaborative scholarship includes the $5,500 cost of fellowship registration only. Recipients are responsible for their own travel and lodging costs throughout the year and their programs are responsible for providing release time to attend the required sessions. The NIPDD registration fee does not include registration for The RTT Collaborative Annual Meeting. For a full scholarship description and how to apply, Click Here.
[1]Longenecker R. Rural Medical Education Programs: A Proposed Nomenclature. Journal of Graduate Medical Education June 2017;9(3):283-286. (Accessed 4-27-2018)